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BIP Programs Work

65H Compliant

Dr. Kimberly Wilcox PhD, BIP program is DCF approved in the State of Florida, Circuits 12 & 20.  The program is in compliance with 65H 

Duluth & CBT

Dr. Kimberly Wilcox PhD, Designed the BIP program by using the Duluth Model, Psychoeducational Curriculum  & CBT methods combined to create a very effective program.   


The BIP program delivers the information and skills needed to graduate the program.  The program is psychoeducational and taught in specific topics that are state mandated.


To enter the virtual program you will need to have a phone, tablet or computer that has a camera.

Cost Effective

Cost of assessments, group and individual counseling are based on a sliding scale.  The assessment is 85-100.00 dollars.   The group sliding scale is 20-30.00 dollars.  There is also an indigent process of payment.

Program Length

The BIP program is  29 weeks long.  Groups are

1.5 - 2 Hours in Length

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